longarm quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · sewing · stash busting

Fantastic Friday!

Today, I only had to work at my day job til noon.  I felt pretty good, and look what I accomplished! Yahoo! The whole center of Starry Log Cabin is put together! I have the border fabric washed and dried. It looks like this is really going to get finished.  What a good feeling!


Tonight, I will spend some more time on stitching binding on Carrie & John’s cattle brand quilt while I watch TV.  I have to remember to watch Jay Leno tonight because Johnny Depp will be on the show.

Hope your Friday was fantastic, too!

applique · fabric baskets · photos · quilt top · quilting · quilts · sewing · stash busting

Thursday Tidbits

Today’s post will be a hodge podge of things I’ve been meaning to get around to posting, but haven’t found the time to sit down and do it.

Remember that pile of fabric, for the fall wallhanging, I had pulled out in the middle of my quilt room floor not so long ago? Well, since then, I did actually get started on it.  I am not so good at applique, but hope my skills will improve some by the time I finish this little project. These are the first two blocks I have worked on.  I still need to add the flower stem and crow’s feet.  This will also qualify as a stash buster project, as I am using only fabrics that were already in my stash.


And the start of another fabric basket, which is also using fabric from my stash.



And, from my stash of scraps, I made my first attempt at a coffee cuff, and gave it to one of my friends at work. It’s not so wonderful, but she loved it.


This is the beautiful sunrise I saw out my back door yesterday morning, and I wanted to share it with you.



The clouds, especially in the first pic, looked like snow to me, like the world was upside down.

I have been making some project progress this week, in the evenings, after work.  I am working on my starry log cabin center.  I have seven of the 10 rows sewn to each other. I am almost finished stitching the binding on my cousin’s quilt.  I have a little over one side and one corner to go.  Then a label, a wash & dry, and I will be done! Woohoo!

Christmas · daily life · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · vintage tops

Good Sunday Mornin’! Edited to add some Stashbusting

One last day in my four day weekend.  I’m so sad to have to go back to work tomorrow.  Yesterday, I did something fun. A few months ago, I was watching one of my Linda Taylor dvd’s of her PBS series, Linda’s Longarm Quilting.  She had an episode on quilting vintage tops.  That set me off on an Ebay binge…lol.  I finally got an opportunity to work on one of them. Isn’t it a beauty? I tried to keep it as square as possible, but it is a little wonky.  Now it goes on the WOB list (waiting on binding).  I hope it also qualifies as part of my stash busting effort, as it was on the shelf with my stash, and I used backing fabric for my stash, and will use the same for the binding.


Just look at all the beautiful fabrics in here.  I love them!


I used a repro backing that I got from Christian Lane Quilters.


The story, from the Ebay lister, is that she purchased this top from an elderly woman named May, who she reckons to be in her 80’s.  But get this…there wasn’t just this one top…there are two of these beauties! The tops were pieced by her mother, from May’s and May’s sister’s dresses. She said there was no one left in her family that would want them. They are from somewhere in Missouri. The seller had them listed separately, and I won them both. Here is the other top. 


This is a pic of the backside, showing all the handstitching.


Now then, if you are reading this, and have fallen on the floor hyperventilating because I dared “machine” quilt these old tops, sorry, but you will have to get over it.  I know there are some that are totally against this, but please save yourself some time and do not bother to send me flaming comments.  I know, as a piecer myself, that if years and years down the road, some future quilter comes into possession of some of my unquilted tops, nothing would make me happier than for her to love them and finish them in whatever manner suited her. I think May’s mother would be tickled to see her projects finally finished, and know that they are in a good home where they are loved and appreciated.

I had some spare backing and batting left at the bottom when I was done quilting, so just for fun, I pulled out a strip of scrap fabric and did a quick feather practice.


Yes, yesterday was a good day! I got some of the ornaments hung on the tree, set out a nativity scene, and made more progress on my cousin’s binding.  I hope your weekend is goind great, as well! Even though I am not done decorating it, I will conclude this post with some pics of my tree and nativity scene for Kay.


Also, on the stashbusting topic, I would like to add that I resisted the tempation to even go look at the end of bolt Thanksgiving sale at Thousands of Bolts.  When I got the email, I deleted it and did not go shop for more fabric!

Christmas · daily life · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilting · quilts

What’s on my bed?

I have a cheap bedspread that I bought from JC Penney’s.  However, on top of that, I have a queen size quilt that I made.  It’s an oak leaf reel from a Fons & Porter issue.  Since my bed is a king, it doesn’t cover, so that’s why it is on top of the bedspread.  Not the greatest decorating touch, but I am hoping that before too much longer the starry log cabin I am working on will take the place of both of these, and be the “star” of my bedroom. 


Yesterday, I did get the binding stitched to my cousin’s quilt, and last night I began the handstitching to the back.  The finish line is getting closer!

As I was complaining to my husband that I needed to put up the Christmas tree ( I am so not in the mood for Christmas decorating this year), he reminded me that we threw our old tree out last year! I forgot this! Why didn’t I remember when we were at my parents the day before, when I was five minutes from a Walmart, rather than an hour from one?  Crud! So we go out shopping here for a Christmas tree yesterday.  They had some really ugly, pitiful looking ones at our Alco, but they weren’t exactly “cheap”.  Well, not proportionately cheap to the ugly, anyway.  Then we went to the local flower shop.  Beautiful trees, but I was gonna have to drop over $450.00.  But they did have a 25 year warranty.  Finally found a new tree the local True Value.  And it was more than I wanted to spend, also, but I guess I’ll get over it.  It’s prelit with the hinged branches, like the ones at the flower store, but no 25 year warranty.  I might want a new one before 25 years is over, anyway.  I thought I was never gonna finish “fluffing” the branches last night.  Also, it looks much larger in my living room than it did in the store.  I was kinda wanting to downsize, but I didn’t manage to get that one right…lol.  We usually put the tree by the fireplace, where my new leather chair and ottoman are now.  So I had to find a different corner to tuck it into.  I guess I’ll start putting the ornaments on today. 

applique · daily life · family · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilting · quilts

Making up for lost blogging time…lol

I’ve been going around today taking some pictures to post in the next few days.  Today, I will start with some pics I took yesterday.  I took my cousin’s quilt to my parents house, to lay out on their bed for better photos.  I still don’t have it trimmed, and now that my shoulder is feeling better, I hope to be able to get the binding attached to the front today.  Then I can start the handstitching.  I think it will be plenty big, even after shrinking when I wash it.  I’m sure y’all are getting tired of this one, and will be ready for me to move on to another project…lol.  Right now, this one has to be top priority. I think they will love it, especially when they notice the little details, like the horses and horse shoes in the borders, and the stetsons and boots. That is not threadiness in the feather spine, but marking chalk, which will wash out.


Speaking of yesterday, we went to my parents house, which is an hour from where we live.  My brother and his family came, too.  We had a really nice day.  I ate wayyyyy to much and loved every bite! Mom sent us home with a nice bit of leftovers and I am looking forward to heating them up in a bit. 

It is freezing cold outside and we are getting our first snowfall of the season. What a great day to get to be home! Ilove, love, love four day weekends! 🙂

Coming up soon, I will have pics of some small projects I managed to work on, even while my shoulder was bothering me so, and I will discuss my stash and the need to be using it up and not adding to it, and catching up with the “what’s on your bed” question that has been going around.  Stay tuned! 🙂


Happy Thanksgiving!

Please bear with me, as I’ve been quite a blog slacker as of late.  I just have to let this shoulder-whatever thing ease up, and am severely limiting my computer time to give it more time to rest.  I had my xrays Monday, and after a quick look at them, my chiro said the only thing jumping out at him was that my whole upper spine seems to be shifted to the right side.  He was going to go over them more closely and will visit with me indepth about them at my next appt.  However, after taking the round of prednisone, I do feel better.  Today is the best it has been.  I seriously wonder if it is the amount of time I’m using that arm/hand with my mouse.  I spend many hours, at work and home, on the computer.  And neither place is set up for great ergonomics.  I don’t think that would necessarily explain the grinding, popping noises and feelings going on in that side.  Like the feeling that my collar bone is popping in and out of place, and that my vertebrae feel like they are rubbing against each other, among numerous other pops & crackles in that side.  None of this goes on in the left side, mind you.  Just the right.  Anyway, I am also going to try a massage therapist.  If this doesn’t start helping, I am going back to my doctor and insist that he sends me to a doctor in Amarillo that can do more extensive testing, like a nerve study or something. Something has to be happening to explain the extreme amount of pain I end up in.  It really irritates and depresses me, because it keeps me from my quilting! Anyway, today I am much better, and for that I am thankful! Thank y’all for the well wishes and the private emails that I have rec’d checking up on me.  I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  I was going to do a post listing things I am thankful for, but I would be here typing til midnight!  When I really start to list my blessings….WOW! I’m a lucky girl!

I hope to have some more interesting material in the next few days.  Thanks for hanging in here with me!

daily life · quilting

Just Checking In…this post is all WHINE…

I’m sorry if you’ve been dropping by just to find nothing new.  I woke up Saturday morning with my shoulder/back really bothering me, but tried to keep doing a few things.  By Sunday morning, I couldn’t raise up out of bed w/o help from DH.  Monday, I got in to my chiro and he worked on my, did ultrasound treatment, told me to ice it and really up my intake of Aleve or Advil.  I had a wonderful three day weekend planned to work on my projects and couldn’t do a darn thing.  Three glorious days off from my day job and I spent most all of them in bed. Plus I stayed home Tues as I still wasn’t much better, took 12 Aleve throughout the day.  Went to work Wed morning, back to chiro that afternoon.  He did a muscle stem treatment on me, which has helped some.  And he called my doctor and they have me taking Prednisone to reduce the inflammation.  Monday morning I go for new xrays.  So I haven’t been able to stand being on the computer much and I haven’t done any sewing.  Hopefully, I will have it back under control soon and can get back to my normal routines.  Oh, and lets don’t even talk about the shape my house is in now….


community · daily life · fabric baskets · longarm quilting · machine quilting · pretty fabric · quilts · sewing

Time’s Up! And the winner is…..


Congratulations Deb Levy! Email me your snail mail, and I will be sending you your fabric prize.  I chose five of my favorite “blender” fabrics from my stash and cut one yard pieces from each.


Thank you to all of the 22 entries in my blog contest! I wish I could send you all a prize.  I will have to think of more reasons for future contests!

Notice that I used my newly made basket to hold your names!


I think it’s not too bad for a first try, though I’m not convinced I’m finished with it just yet.  I think it needs some kind of handles added.  I hope to get a few smaller ones made up for some handmade Christmas gifts this year.

I haven’t signed up to be an official PIF participant, (the Pay It Forward movement that is going around on many of the blogs) simply because I have so many obligations to meet in my life already, that I didn’t want to sign up, fail, and feel badly.  However, I intend to unofficially participate, and look for ways to bless others with my handiwork.  I just don’t want it to feel like another thing I “have” to get done.  I hope that doesn’t sound terrible, I’m just being honest.  Most days I’m already stretched about as thin as I can go, as I know most of you are, too.  I really admire those of you that find ways to handle it all, and still find time and energy to give so much of yourselves. 

I am also happy to report that my stepdaughter is going home from the hospital as I type! She had her surgery Thursday and all went well.  The doctor didn’t see anything that looks suspicious, but we won’t have the official report til next week.  That is such a huge relief! I just wish she didn’t have to go through the discomfort that follows.  She is such a special young woman and I love her very much! Thank you for your prayers for her.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Blogroll · community · longarm quilting · quilting · quilts · sewing

TADA!!! 10,000 Hits!

Ok, I promised a contest on my blog when I reached 10,000 hits.  That magic number just popped up in my stats! So, here is what I am going to do to celebrate all my fun friends in blogland.  Everyone that comments on THIS post will be entered into a drawing.  The prize will be FABRIC!!! I will raid my stash for a nice selection to send to the lucky winner.  I can’t believe I have faithful readers, but I do, and I appreciate you!  I enjoy sharing with y’all and reading up on your blogs.  Thanks for coming to visit me!

I will keep the the contest open til noon on Saturday to give everyone a chance to pop in and not miss out on the fun!  Good luck!

fabric baskets · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · sewing

WIP Wednesday

I have managed to work on my projects some this week, in the evenings after work.  Tonight, before DH got home and dinner was ready, I managed to get started on the final big feather in my cousin’s quilt.


And, I’ve been wrapping clothesline while watching TV at night, and on my lunch breaks I’ve been able to stitch for a few minutes on my first basket attempt.  This is kind of fun! It’s really starting to look like something!


There is one small spot right before I stopped stitching where my fabric shifted and the clothesline is showing.  I will fix that.  And that’s all I have for my midweek project report!