
Here We Go Again

Greg developed another pneumocephalus. The patch between the brain and ethmoid sinus is not holding. His condition became critical yesterday afternoon, but he is stable now. CT showed this pocket getting larger. He will have another craniotomy in the morning to repair the patch. The surgeon is still optimistic. And that is where we are at right now. He is not even really aware of what is happening. Hopefully, my next post will be good news.



…that have become part of our life over recent days. Meningioma, craniotomy, pneumocephalus (air pocket on brain), deep vein thrombosis ( blood clots – both legs), pulmonary embolisms (both lungs), compacted bowel, and the latest, hydrocephalus (excess fluid on the brain).

Today, Greg is having permanent shunts put in to keep the excess fluid drained. Yesterday, a new central line was put in to begin administration of IV nutrition due to inability to eat because of bowel issue. Tuesday, a filter was inserted in his vena cava to prevent anymore blood clots that might break loose out of his legs from reaching his lungs. Thankfully, none of the ones that already had were fatal.

Words I am longing to hear: Mr. Allen, you are doing great and you can go home today.

Please Dear Father in Heaven, let it be soon.


Well, it’s been awhile

The surgery went smoothly. The recovery not so much. He was just moved from surgical ICU to a regular room on the neuro floor today. I am much too exhausted to go into much detail, but he has a pneumocephalus (air pocket) in his head. It is getting smaller, but it is day after day of pain. Moments of relief scattered in from morphine and other drugs. He was actually doing quite well until Wednesday. They think he had some spinal fluid drain from his nose and unclamped the lumbar drain to drain his csf again. That is when the horrible pain began and the air pocket was found by ct scan the next morning. These have been difficult days indeed. O a bright note, my mom is feeling great!


Goodbye Meningioma

Finally, the tumor has been eradicated. Surgery went as surgeon expected. Just took a little longer. He is in ICU and very miserable. But, I’m so incredibly grateful he is here! Now, we have to make it through all the possible post op complications. One is that he not develop a spinal fluid leak, and he must remember not to blow his nose for eight weeks. These things could lead to meningitis. Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement!

meningioma · quilting

Good News (sort of)

Well, we got the go ahead on surgery tomorrow.  So, the tumor will be dealt with, once and for all.  However, the white blood cell count did not come down much, leading surgeon to believe it has nothing to do with infection, but possibly a bone marrow disorder of some type, such as leukemia.  So, surgery will proceed, and more testing will be done while in the hospital to determine what is going on with the blood count.  I’m hoping he is just having an extreme reaction to the decadron (steroid) they have had him taking.  He has had bad side effects from day one.  It will raise your counts, but not usually to the level of Greg’s.  That’s where we are now.  One thing at time.  And right now, it is goodbye brain tumor time!