longarm quilting · quilting · stash busting

Sunday Report, 5-31-09

I haven’t posted a stash report for the last couple of week, because I’m still working on the same quilt.  Still quilting on my 9P & stripe quilt, but just remember, it is a stash project! 🙂  You can see the progress on it in every post since mid-May.  I now have approximately 31.25 hours into the quilting.  I did get the outer top border done, and I have all the setting triangles and blocks quilted now, except for the very last row.

Top border:



I was afraid of doing the beadboard down to the swags, because of the backtracking there, but I did fine on that.


What I didn’t do quite right, and didn’t notice til after I had all the beadboard done, was a couple of the swags…apparently I didn’t have them lined up just right, and a couple are a little lower than they should be.  I am not taking it all out to fix it.  I can live with it, and have learned to pay closer attention to that detail in the future. 🙂

This is the stencil I chose for the setting triangles.  It’s from Barbara Chainey.


I have this much left to quilt, to get to the bottom, then I will turn it the other way and quilt the side borders.


It doesn’t look like much, but based on how long it took me to quilt the top borders and the other setting triangles, I’m guessing about 7 more hours to turning.  I love that Georgian feather in the stripe border, but that first one took about three hours to stitch.  I love the way it looks, though, so I think it’s worth the time.

So, even thought my stash numbers aren’t changing, I’m so glad to be getting the quilting done on this very large stash quilt.  If I get nothing else finished this year, I’ll still feel great about getting this one done!

I spent a very anxious morning waiting by the phone.  My Mom called and she was taking my Daddy out to the ER.  They came to see me yesterday for a visit, and we had a nice day, but Daddy wasn’t feeling well.  He was having stomach issues, which worsened overnight.  They gave him an IV at the ER, as he was dehydrated, and ran some blood work, which looks ok, and sent him on home.  He will be seeing his regular doctor tomorrow, so I’m glad he is following up with this.

I have a busy, somewhat stressful week ahead, so I may not get much quilting done this week.  I hope you have a good week!

feather quilting · freehand quilting · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · stencil quilting

Wednesday WIP, 5-27-09

More 9P & stripe…26.5 hours into it…y’all are going to get tired of seeing this one.






I’m not sure I am making all the right design choices…but, this is a learning project for me.  A project to expand my skills and challenge myself, so I’m ok with that.  For example, I’m not sure the large size setting triangle feather is working that well, but even so, I’ll probably just go forward with it.  I’m having fun!

That scroll-y design is a Karen McTavish stencil.  The setting blocks are stencils, as well, but I forgot to see who from.  I’ll get that later, for anyone interested.  I’m at work now, but remembered that I forgot to mention that.

feather quilting · freehand quilting · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · stencil quilting

Quilting Feathers, Feathers, & More Feathers

First, I cannot let Memorial Day go by without stating my thanks and appreciation for all the brave men and women that have served, or do serve in the armed forces, to afford the rest of us the wonderful freedom that we enjoy.  So many sacrifices they have made, many the ultimate sacrifice.  And thank you to their families.  Though saying thank you  doesn’t seem enough.

With the crosshatching behind me, I got to start quilting feathers today.  I love feathers.  Love quilting them, love the way they look.  I did not want to crosshatch the striped border, even though that would have matched the stripes in the interior.  Instead, I chose this pretty stencil by Barbara Chainey.  I’m liking it.

First, is the chalking.


Then the stitching begins.




Three hours later, one border done.  (it didn’t feel like it took that long)




Much more fun that crosshatching.  So, I guess I have about 9 hours left to finish the other three of these borders.  This one is going to be on the machine for awhile yet.  I have a plan for that little inner border that matches the setting triangles.  I have a plan for the setting triangles.  I have not yet decided on the very outside border…maybe swags.  Maybe not.  Maybe more feathers.

I took time out this morning to relocate this litte guy from the back patio, to the front flower bed, so he would be safe from Tuffy and Libby. I took the top off of Tuffy’s feeder to catch him with.  The lizard was not happy about it…if he only knew, it really was for his own good.  Tuffy would have caught him and eaten him, eventually.  Libby would have just killed him.  I like lizards.

000_8951 (Medium)

Now he lives here.  Plenty of cover and should find lots of bugs to eat.



Crosshatching finished!

Yay! I got done with the crosshatching and SID.  Some of it could be better, but at this point, I’m just happy to be done with it.  A better woman than me might have picked some of it out and redone it, but I’m not that woman.  This quilt is going to go on my bed, not the into the Smithsonian.  I’m pretty happy with it, thus far.  We’ll see how stenciling goes next.  I won’t bore you with pics yet…looks pretty much like the crosshatching I already showed you.


Crosshatching My Life Away…

Sorry, not much time for blogging…I’m too busy crosshatching.  I estimate that I have about three hours left til I’m done with that part.  Then, all the straight line quilting will be done…including the SID.  That’s when the fun part gets to start…stencils…and feathers….I can’t wait to get there!  I have almost 18 hours into it, sew far. 😉

longarm quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · stash busting

Sunday Reporting…What Was I Thinking??

When I said to myself, “crosshatching would probably look good on both the 9P blocks and the stripe blocks, why didn’t myself say back to me, “Well yea, it will look good, but it’s going to take you at least half the rest of your life!  Are you nuts?”  And that is assuming that I still have quite awhile left to live.




Are you thinking that’s not so bad? Well, between loading this puppy on the machine,  the SID stabilizing, and the crosshatching, this is as far as I have gotten on it.  And this took me 7 hours.  I’m kind of slow.  And I intend to use stencils and feathers in all that other space you see.  And this is how much is left.


It’s 110″ square.  Yep, gonna take me awhile.  This will be the Wednesday WIP project for quite awhile.  OMGosh! What was I thinking?!

On the upside, though…this one is MINE!!  And all the fabric in it is from my stash.  However, it doesn’t change my numbers this week, as I’ve already accounted for it, in previous reports.


I Spied a Toad!

Or maybe it’s a frog…but I couldn’t resist a quick post, after seeing Wendy’s blog today.  Seems we have something more in common than quilting…lol.


Mine was a gift from my boss.  He got for me in China, when he was there.  He always brings little gifts back for all of us, and since I’m so fond of toads and frogs, this was my little suprise.  I drove my co-workers nuts, playing with it, making it “croak”…lol.


Prom, Plantings, and Quilting

Yesterday, I finished the quilting on my customer’s butterfly quilt.  She said she liked it.  I sure hope so.  She is planning on putting it in an area show.  It isn’t a judged show, but has viewer’s choice awards. 




I got some of my planting done yesterday.  Since I can’t have real hens & chicks, I planted some. 🙂


I planted some herbs in my pots this year.  So far, I have dill, parsley and cilantro growing in my herb garden, in the corner of my yard.  Have to have some dill & parsley for the swallowtails.  In my pots, I have some dill, basil, mint, and oregano.  I need some more dirt, and want to put some rosemary & thyme in a couple of pots.

I planted some vinca, and my cherry tomatoes.



My son went to the junior/senior prom last night.  He borrowed his Aunt Lisa’s little red sports car, to “arrive” in.  Family members gather at the high school to watch the kids drive up and get out.  They either have a driver, or drive themselves and have a family member waiting to hop in and drive off, after they get out and make their entrance.  All the kids get their pictures taken in front of their “ride”.  There was everything from antique cars, old clunkers, fancy sports cars, and even an old ambulance.  One kid came in a motorcycle.  Of course, there were some rented limos, etc., also.  It was fun.



Here he & his friend are lined up, waiting for their turn to drive up.



When I was in school, it was a big deal not to have a “date” for prom, but here, most of the kids go with friends.  The majority, it seemed, were not with dates.  I think that’s pretty cool…they just go and have a good time.  There were carloads of all girls, or guys, or mixed groups of friends.  Some with dates, some without. 

As far as stash reporting, nothing going on there to report.  No changes.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms reading.  This one is off to do some laundry.


What to do, what to do…

when there are so many thing on the list that need done?! A quick run down of things that all need some attention this weekend.

First, today is “dirt day”.  Hubby is taking me to buy bags of dirt for my pots, and some plants if I want…maybe I will just plant herbs in them this year.  So there is that project.  I need to finish the customer quilt on the machine.  That will definitely get some time and attention.  My son is going to the junior/senior prom tonight.  I will be taking pictures of him.  I drained the hot tub last weekend, and need to work on the cleaning & refilling of that.  My little dog, Lulu, need a bath and some trimming.  The cat needs some grooming.  The house & laundry ALWAYS need some attention.  Hmmm…wonder how much of that I will get accomplished?  Wish me luck and lots of energy! Have a great Saturday! I must get dressed and go dirt shopping.  DH is waiting!