
A Beautiful Blessed Easter!

Greg is becoming more responsive every day! Today, the nurse put some lotion on him and asked if that was better, and Greg gave him a thumb up sign! Praise God! He is continuing to respond with head nodding, and head shaking, and mouthing yes and no. I think that speaks volumes regarding his cognitive state.

While at home, I have made a bit more progress on my Stars & Stripes sampler:

Yes, there is still a long road ahead, but I am so, so, sooooo encouraged right now! Again, I thank you all for your prayers, and your continued prayers.


Another Yippee!

A copy/paste from my Facebook:
PRAISE GOD! Greg is really starting to communicate by nodding/shaking head, & attempting to mouth some words! Maybe he can get rid of the trach soon so he can find his voice again. His sister and youngest daughter are there with him this weekend, they report he is really wiggling all over the place, trying to readjust himself in the bed, much more focused and alert. I can’t wait til I get to go back later this week!

I am feeling so encouraged!!


More Good News For Good Friday

Yesterday, they took Greg off of any ventilatory support.  He has a t-piece (trach collar), and is only receiving some oxygen through it, and they said he is doing great.  My son went to see him yesterday.  He wouldn’t open his eyes while he was there, but he was turning his head to him, and he said he could tell he listens when you are talking. He said he didn’t “look as sick to him as last time he saw him”. The nurses said he is “restless”. This morning, the report is that he was “awake” all night again. But, he is still opening his eyes this morning. His sister and brother-in-law are with him now, and she called and said he is looking at both her, and her husband when they talk to him. And…his white blood count….is down to 26,000 this morning!! I’m so encouraged!

Have a blessed Good Friday!


Some Good News Today

This morning, Lea called to check on Greg.  The charge nurse for the day shift reported that the night nurse, and the charge nurse for the night shift, both reported that he had his eyes open all night! They actually said he was “awake” all night. He was also squeezing hands, both sides, and moving feet and wiggling toes on command from them. YAY! Also, his white blood count was down to 31,800 today. Remember, when I was there last, it was going as high as 48,600.  He had dialysis again this morning, and he was already starting to “sleep”, but we think his days and nights might be mixed up. The charge nurse said she was very encouraged!

I called to get an update after work, and he has been out of it most all day, but again…he had dialysis and the nurse mentioned that he had been awake all night, so that would be expected. His vitals all stayed stable during dialysis. The infectious disease doctor discontinued the antifungal today, as well as an antibiotic he has been on, and just ordered follow up labs to monitor. He is down to a much lower dose of the steroid, and will be completely off of that in a few days.

More baby steps in the right direction! Praise God!

daily life · meningioma

April 16th…has been a pretty good day

I am still home. Lea headed off to Lubbock this morning to spend the weekend with Greg. I kept Catey (Lea’s 6 yo. daughter) today, while Brian and Brayton (Lea’s husband and oldest son) worked to clean up the mess at our shop. 70 mph straight winds ripped off a good portion of our roof, and it’s quite a mess.

The first report from Lubbock today came from Terry May, who has been staying with Greg this week. What a great friend. He headed home today, and before he left he told Greg he was leaving, and Greg opened his eyes, and Terry told him he would see him when he comes home. He said he thought he nodded at him, but he wasn’t completely sure.

Well, when Lea got there, she confirmed that he is nodding a little now, in response to questions. She said it’s a little dip of the chin. He was really moving both of his arms around again today. She said he is using his right arm a lot, and even rubbing at this eyes and the corner of his mouth with it, and scratching at his nose. She said once, he even had both index fingers stuck in his ears. We aren’t sure what that was about. She said it appears that he is trying to use his shoulders some, to readjust himself.

Lea was saying a prayer with him, and when she said Amen, one of the pulmonologists said “amen” with her, and nearly scared her to death. She hadn’t even realized he had come in. He said he is breathing totally on his own, just a little pressure support from vent, and said he is looking better every day. When he left the room, he raised his hand up and said “we’ll keep the prayers going”!

The nephrologist came by later, and they started the IV fluids this evening. He said if his numbers continue to decrease (creatinine, BUN), that he may get to go to a Tues/Thurs dialysis instead of Mon/Wed/Fri. Will just have to wait and see what the labs look like on Monday.

Back to my day here, Catey and I enjoyed our time together. This afternoon, I decided that I would see if she wanted to work on some quilt blocks with me, and she did. She loves crafty things.  I have been trying to squeeze in my blocks every month, for my guild’s Block of the Month challenge, and so far have managed to get them done, even though I haven’t been to a meeting since January.  I did the cutting and the “steering”, while Catey pushed the “gas pedal” for the sewing machine. She loved working on these with me. I may have a new quilter in the making. 🙂

Here is a pic of the rest of the blocks I have completed, thus far.

Today sure has seemed like it was more good news than bad, and for right now, I will be thankful for that, and keep hoping and praying for more of it!


April 16th

Yesterday, the nephrologist ordered that Greg be given some IV fluids. He was encouraged enough by his kidney function to try the addition of some fluid.  They believe he has some type of metabolic encephalopathy. He and the infectious disease doctors are working very hard trying to find the right combination of meds to pull Greg out of this. At this point, we simply don’t know if there will be permanent brain damage, or not. I will keep praying not.


April 15th

No, it isn’t just tax day.  Today is my husband’s 59th birthday, and he is still about the same. I had thought about driving to Lubbock, but with wind gusts of up to 70 mph, I am staying right where I am. He doesn’t know it’s his birthday, anyway. One of his good friends is staying with him til Sunday, so that has been a big relief to me. I have so much stuff to do here at home, with taxes, shop business, and my job. It is so unbelievably hard to have him four hours away. It is really starting to wear on me, but you just have to do what you have to do. In the meantime, I will keep praying and believing that God is going to pull him through, and wake him up, and eventually, I will get him back closer to home.  Maybe a rehab facility in Amarillo. And, ultimately, home home.

His best “girlfriend”, Libby, our yellow lab, became ill over the last couple of weeks, and she is currently in the doggie hospital, being treated for diabetes, bladder infection, and colitis. This whole thing has been stressful for her, as well. They have to keep her for a few days to get her insulin dosage regulated. I hope she does well with it. I told her she HAS to be here when we get to bring Daddy home.

Uggghhh….what a nasty, windy day outside.


Quick Update

I spent the last week with my husband. I am home, and wiped out. But, I know so many of you are checking in for updates, including a new blog reader, Allison.  Allison is one of Greg’s awesome dialysis nurses, and she is off the rest of this week, and was going to watch my blog for updates on his condition. I’m sorry I have left you all hanging for so long. It is just a slow going process, and most days, I don’t have much to report, other than he isn’t any better, but he isn’t any worse. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were a bit disheartening for me. I could not get him to really “wake up” much at all. However, Tuesday was a much better day.  He was more alert, and responding to voice and tactile stimuli. Wednesday, he seemed worn out from Tuesday, and from his dialysis Wednesday morning.  Was in his “sleeping” state all day again. But Thursday, he was  opening his eyes much more, and started moving his right arm voluntarily, and moving his right leg more. Not much activity on the left side, though I did see him trying to move his left arm a little. He definitely seems to be trying to focus in on you more, when you are in front of him talking to you. When he is “awake”, he seems to be staring off somewhere else most of the time, but Thursday, and again this morning, it appeared that he is trying to move his eyes to the source of the voice and even seems to be looking at your face at times. They were also able to start the process of trying to wean him from the ventilator by putting it on CPAP mode, and so far, he is tolerating that quite well. I play music for him on my Ipod, and a certain special song of ours really seems to get his attention. I feel like he is trying to find his way back. His white blood count continued to rise over the past few days, and hit an alltime high of 48,600 yesterday. Today, it was down to 40,500. They are trying to pinpoint the cause. They did discover that he does have active yeast infection in his urine, and are still growing cultures on that, and it could be the cause. He is just so very weak, that you can’t imagine, unless you have seen someone in this condition before. It is going to be so hard for me to not be there with him tomorrow, to see firsthand how he is progressing. I do have people checking in on him for me over the next few days, though. Thank God for all our “angels”. I don’t know what we would do without them.

Thank you all for your prayers, your comments of support and concern.  I appreciate each and every one.