
Sunday Snippets

No stash changes to report.  No quilting going on at all, still.  Don’t worry, that won’t last much longer. 🙂  I just needed a break.  I get that way sometimes.  Then the fever hits again.

Our team did not make it past regionals, with a fifth place finish.  We had one boy from the team qualify for the state tournament as an individual, but my son did not have his best rounds.  It just wasn’t meant to be this year.  So we will keep our fingers crossed for next year, which will be his last chance for him to go with his team, or as an individual himself.  He sure did look good, though!






Man, I love that kid.

And yippee! It must really be spring now.  Mongo has emerged!


This toad is large.  You can’t really tell in the pic, but he (or she?) is about as big as my fist.  I wonder how big it will be after a season of gorging on june bugs? Hopefully, Zapper and Green Bean will be making appearances before long, too.

I worked on laundry and housework this weekend, along with some yard work.  I worked on some of my planting beds.  Tilled them a bit with my “claw” gadget, and planted some flower and herb seeds.  Felt good to be outside in the beautiful weekend weather we had.

Guess that’s about all I’ve got for now.  Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!


Good Saturday Morning!

I hope all my bloggy friends are having a good day. I am dropping in for another quick post just to let y’all know all is well and good in my world. I am simply super busy right now. We had a wonderful Easter holiday with family. I really had fun with this one. She is my little shadow when we are together. This is the only little girl out of 7, soon to be 8, grandchildren. Anytime I mention grandchildren, I get comments about being a young grandmother. My hubby is 14 years older than I am, and I have two older stepdaughters. I only throw that in only for clarification that I did not start having children in my early teens…lol. I had my only biological child at age 25. So, this is my little granddaughter (thanks to my hubby) and I think she is just pretty awesome. I love her and she loves me. You don’t have to be “blood related” to be “family”. We sure have a good time together!


And most of the rest of my attention last week was spent here:


The District 1-AAA District G@lf Champs…woohoo! And the third place individual medalist, my son.


The tournament was held in Lubbock. Our regional tournament, this next week, will be there, as well. So I’ll continue to be a bit scarce in blogland for just a bit longer. But I’ll be chatting with y’all soon!

Post script & warning…I apologize in advance if my language in the following paragraph offends you.

Yes…the g@lf is purposeful…I’m trying to prevent a blog scraper from scraping this content again. Apparently, the word g@lf was the key to being scraped by a stupid blog.  I usually let those slide if it’s just a quilt post, as I have not the time or energy to deal with those asswipe scrapers, but when they scrape a post that is totally personal content, it fricking pisses me off! So I deleted my first post and am reposting it, hoping they won’t pick up on it again.


A Quick Check In

Just thought I’d better do a quick post letting y’all know I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth.  I have been out of town for the last few days.  I was in Austin for a work conference.  Now I am home, but getting ready for a houseful of company coming this weekend, so I’ll be still be scarce for a few days.  I hope everyone has a blessed Easter holiday!!