
So I Was Stitching Away and CRAP!!

You have got to be kidding me? Seriously!?



HOW did that seam get THERE??? I was SOOOO careful to lay out the binding and go ALL THE WAY AROUND the quilt with it to make sure THAT did NOT happen.  Crap, crap, crap!! So, that put a halt to my happy stitching…bragging to myself about how I think this is the BEST binding I have EVER done.  Now I have to completely undo that section and splice in a new piece, because I am not going to let one stinking corner ruin the best binding I have ever done.  Crap.

And yeah, I cleaned it up for the blog…I don’t think I was really saying crap.

stash busting

Who knew?

Who knew that I could sew something other than a quilt? Tada!




Thank you to Becca for the pattern.  It’s certainly not perfect, so don’t look too close. There is a shorter version, and I think I will make it, also, as I think it will be my favorite of the two.  I thought that bias tape was going to do me in, but I finally got it on there.  The pockets were the most challenging, and I’m sure I didn’t do them quite right.  Also, the zigzag stitching of the unfinished seams.  How do you do that without it just kind of chewing them up? Can you tell that garment construction is not my strong suit? But, there are so many cute apron patterns, and I won this pattern from Becca, so I had to give it a try.  I’m pretty happy with the end result…better than I thought I would do.  It was a good distraction from other issues on my mind this weekend.

And I used 2.5 yards from my stash making it.  Year to date stash totals:

  • Incoming Yardage to date: 75 yds.
  • Outgoing Yardage to date:  66.75 yds.
  • Total Stash Busted to date: -8.25 yds.

And now this weekend is almost over…way…too…soon.

longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilting · quilts · stash busting

Sunday Stash Quilting Report

I have stash reporting this week! I finished the quilting on my Gracie’s Star quilt.  The pattern is from http://www.quiltintia.com.  I quilted it with Jodie Beamish’s Rosie panto.  Seems I use that one a lot, but this is the only quilt of my very own with it.  Today I got the binding stitched to the front, ready for nighttime snuggling under it, while I do the hand stitching, watching TV.  I used 8 yards backing and binding.  I am going to enjoy using this quilt.  It just makes me feel good.


I used the red in this star for the binding.




I love this fabric, that is in some of the blocks, and I used it for backing, also.



I’m getting kind of antsy to start some new projects, but I’m trying to make myself finish some first.  I want some finishes before this year is finished! I do need to start a commissioned baby quilt soon, though.  I keep forgetting about that, and the baby is due the end of January.  Better start picking some fabric from my stash for that!

My Mom delivered the comfort quilt I made, for our friend with breast cancer, to her today.  She loved it.  She had a mastectomy a week ago Thursday. The test results have revealed that she had two different cancers in that breast.  There will be some chemo, but I think the prognosis is still good.  She has an appointment tomorrow, so maybe we will know more after that.

I’ve had a wonderful weekend, here at home, with my family.  I hope yours has been good, as well!

YTD totals:

  • Incoming Yardage to date: 75 yds.
  • Outgoing Yardage to date:  64.25 yds.
  • Total Stash Busted to date: -10.75 yds.
longarm quilting · machine quilting

Finally Made It To the Green Thread

Today, I finished up all the quilting with white thread, and started on the green.  I had already been at it for about three hours by then, and my shoulder couldn’t take anymore, so I didn’t get far with the green.  But I wanted to give Joanna a quickie update, and answer a previous question wanting to know what I was going to put in the outer border.



I love the movement that CC (continuous curve) give to the pinwheel blocks.  It really seems to  make them “spin”.



Off to bed now…I’m exhausted!