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Signs of Spring and a Job Done!

Spring is showing itself.  This is on my plum tree.



BunBun is appreciating the change in the weather.


My BIG OLD Russian Olive tree hasn’t quite awakened yet, but soon it will burst forth with sign of life.  I love this tree.


The birdies have been keeping me busy filling the feeders.


I finished the customer quilt I was working on.  She LOVES it.  As in so happy she CRIED.  Good tears.



The back:



If you want to see more, I uploaded photos to my Webshots album, in the folder Customer Quilts 2008,  http://community.webshots.com/user/AllenQuilts. Thanks for looking. 🙂

In weight news, I’m not sure how, but I lost another pound last week.  I’m now at 143.  That’s 11 lbs. total. 

 Have a great week!  Maybe I will have time to post more this week.  We shall see.

longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · stash busting

Happy Easter Sunday!

I haven’t busted any stash this week.  I must confess that last Sunday, after I posted my weekly report, I ordered three BOLTS of fabric.  Hey, it was on sale!  $2.50 a yard for two of them, $2.75 for one.  One is a beautiful Hoffman print, one is Robyn Randolph, and I don’t remember what the other was.  I ordered them mostly for quilt backings.  I haven’t rec’d my order yet, but when I do, I will post a pic.  I ordered them from http://www.fabric4less.com/, after receiving not one, but two emails tempting me with their big sale. 

I did my weigh-in this morning.  Last week I was 145, and today I was 144.  I really don’t know how that happened, as I have yet to get back to exercising.  Maybe just because I’ve been so darn busy. 

I have made lots more progress on the quilt I’m quilting.  I leave you today with some more pics of it.




longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting

Saturday Sneak Peek

Here are some pics of the quilting in progress of the customer top I’m working on right now.  This is the reason I’ve been quilting so many leaves lately…I knew this one was coming, and this customer had seen my Simply Leaves wallhanging, and wanted me to “just play” on her top.  She said to use the blank squares as my “canvas”, and there will be leaves in the yellow border, also.  I am using my Quilt EZ templates for the heart spine, and the rose in the pieced blocks is a Quilt EZ template designed by Sonia Hensley.  I hope my customer likes what I’m doing.  It’s also my first attempt at a “beadboard”border, and I really like it.






This piecer should teach a class on how to properly apply borders.  She has it down perfectly, let me tell ya.  NO extra fullness to work in…none, nada, zero, zip.  Perfectly applied borders make the longarmer’s job soooooo much easier. 

Guess I better get back at it.  Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilting · quilts

“Good Friday” Morning To You

I love Easter.  It’s one of my favorite holidays.  I love having today off of work, too! However, I’m off to a slow start this morning because, of course, I woke up with a frickin’ headache.  Blleck! How aggravating.  After Aleve, Imitrex & two cups of coffee, I’m starting to feel better.  And guess what I’m going to do…something I pretty much NEVER get to do…I’m going to quilt in my pajamas! It’s almost 10:30 and I still have them on…

I started working on that king size custom job last night, and sew far, sew good…knock on wood! I have the top border done…my first time doing a beadboard border…and it looks awesome!  Yippee!  I still need to do some more, ok lots more SID, but I just had to get that first border behind me.  I also tested out my quilting plan in two of the blocks, and I like it!  It’s going so smoothly, it’s scary…surely something is going to go wrong before I’m done.  I will post some pics after I have progressed farther.

In the meantime, if you want to see some BEAUTIFUL quilting, go visit my friend Michele, and see what she has been up to…she has been one of my inspirations pretty much from the beginning of my longarm journey. 

longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts

Tuesday Tidbits

My customer came for her Cutie Patootie’d quilt today.  She loved it.  She is the cutest thing…84 yrs. young.  She has the sweetest attitude.  I’m glad quilting gave me the opportunity to cross paths with her.  She also brought a quilt top to show me, to see if I could do anything with it.  The top is 60 yrs. old, and it’s in great condition.  She made it herself.  I think she is a master seamstress.  What little bit I got to look at it, it looks to be perfectly pieced.  It’s hard to describe, but it’s a pretty yellow cotton border, that she already has scalloped, and the same yellow setting blocks, on point, alternated with white squares with the state flowers handpainted on them.  It would be gorgeous quilted up.  I do hope she brings it back to me.  I really want to quilt this one.  She had already marked it for hand quilting, and is going to try to get the pencil marks out.  She said it might be middle of next month before I hear back from her.  I’m pretty well booked til then, anyway.  I can’t say why, but I just liked this lady instantly.  I do hope I hear from her again, and that I get to quilt this one for her.  It would be a shame for it not to be finished. 

I have the back of the king custom loaded up, but I haven’t gotten any further than that, other than planning my course of action in my head.  Maybe I will get started on the actual quilting tomorrow.  Maybe….

longarm quilting · machine quilting · NASCAR · quilt top · quilting · quilts · stash busting · weight

Still Busy as a Bee

Sorry you haven’t had much new to read here lately.  I’m spending most of my spare time getting my customer tops quilted.  I finished up both OSU lap quilts, and yesterday, I finished up what felt like 100 miles of Cutie Patootie panto.  It is a cutie, but boy was I tired of it by the time I got this one off the machine.  107″ long, 80 something wide.  I was Patootie’d out.  This is a printed panel top.  I must say, the quilting totally changed the look of it.  I think my customer will like it.



I really like the way it looks on the back.



I loaded it with the 107″ length going the length of the table.  I thought I would be able to make a whole pass on one bobbin.  Wrong reindeer!  I wanted the stops & starts to look really good on the back, so I took the extra time to tie off & bury. 

Today, I am working on my log cabin blocks, for the commissioned quilt I’m doing.  Of course, I’m watching the NASCAR race at Bristol while I’m doing that. 

The next project on the longarm will be to finish the borders on my friend’s quilt, if she has her binding removed.  If not, and it’s going to be a while, I will go ahead and load the king size custom top I have waiting.  I don’t have it scheduled to start til next weekend, so if I can get those borders done first, that would be great.  I’m looking forward to getting started on that king, though.  I think I’m going to enjoy working on it.

Sunday weigh in is back.  What was I last time…144, I think.  Well, I was pleasantly surprised today.  I have not been keeping up with the diet & exercise very well, for at least two weeks.  I figured I had gained at least 3 lbs. back, and was happy to see it was only 1!  I was 145 today.  I must get back on track with this.  Hopefully, I will do better this week.  I’ve had some comments from others that no way would they post it publicly.  I find that doing so really helps me to stay on track.  I feel more accountable.  And knowing all y’all know encourages me even more to not want to fail. 

I hope everyone had a great National Quilting Day yesterday.  I better get back to sewing.  The sooner I get done with these projects, the sooner I can get back to working on my own projects, and making progress with my stash busting!

Oh darn! Bobby Labonte just got caught up in someone else’s wreck.  Crap!

longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilting · quilts

I Have Been So Busy

It’s been a whole week since I last blogged.  But between day job work and the quilting work that has suddenly come in, I haven’t had time to blog.  I haven’t touched any of my personal projects since my last report. I finished quilting the interior of the quilt I previously blogged about, my friend’s quilt that was already hand quilted with SID.  I also finished frogging the one border I attempted to quilt.  My friend is so happy with the quilting, she has decided she will remove the binding, so I can quilt the borders.  I will take pics of it when it’s completely finished. 

I quilted this lap quilt yesterday, and have another almost identical to it, loaded up on the machine. This is one that was pieced by my customer’s 83 yr old father.  She is going to finish them up and give them as gifts, to other family members.  The quilts certainly have some “issues”, but the end result is pretty good.  I quilted it with Dave Hudson panto that has cowboy boots & hats, since Oklahoma State University is the “Cowboys”. 




I also started working on a commissioned full-size log cabin.  I began piecing those blocks today, while I’m watching the NASCAR race.  Then I have a queen panto, and a king custom job lined up.  So if you don’t hear much out of me for a little bit, that’s why. 

Oh, and since it’s my birthday today, my gift to me is that I’m skipping this week’s Sunday weigh in…lol.  Partly because in addition to all the eating on my annivesary, then birthday festivities, I found these at Walmart Friday.


I love regular Whoppers, but don’t eat them much, due to too much chocolate sometimes triggering a migraine for me.  These stawberry ones ain’t bad! I’m likin’ ’em! 

longarm quilting · machine quilting · Mark Lipinski · quilting · quilts · weight

Sunday Report

I’m still piecing my 9P & Stripe quilts.  Just the two bottom rows to add.  I am this far along on both of them:


If I manage to finish these two quilts this year, they will take a lot of yardage from my stash. 🙂

I got a call for another commissioned quilt this week.  It will be a graduation gift, so as soon as the fabric for that gets delivered to me, it will become priority one, as it needs to be finished before the end of May.  It won’t be my favorite colors to work on, as it’s for a boy headed to Oklahoma State University, so it’s black & orange.  This one will only be full size, so hopefully it won’t take me too long.  I enjoy doing the commissioned quilts, as usually these are for people, who while they appreciate quilts, don’t have any idea how to make one.  Therefore, when you are finished, and deliver the completed quilt, they are so thrilled.  That’s fun.  I like that.  I will do the standard simple log cabin, so I can get it done in time.  For those wondering, as I usually get some emails asking, for a simple pattern such as log cabin, or rail fence, I charge 7 cents per square inch, for the constuction of the quilt.  That does not include fabric, batting, or thread.  More complicated patterns, or more complicated custom quilting, would increase the price accordingly. 

This is the quilting in progress, of the customer quilt I mentioned yesterday.  The quilt was completely finished, with stitch in the ditch hand quilting.  After machine quilting another quilt for customer, she decided she would like me to try to add some quilting to this one.  I knew it would have some challenges, but except for problems with the borders, I think it’s coming along nicely. 




I’m concerned about some excess fabric in the back in a few spots, but so far it’s looking pretty good on the back, I think.


The only big problem I’m having is with the borders.  I may have to just leave them be, as there is too much excess fabric, as you can see on the right side of this pic. 


Since it is already bound, there is no where for the excess to go.  I already tried to lightly quilt one, and ended up with a big pucker.  So, I will be frogging that when I get done with the rest.  I will probably also leave the sashings alone.  After I get done, I will show it to my customer, and see if she wants to leave them, or remove the binding.  My customer happens to be the friend that brought the pics of mybaby to me week before last.  I think she’s really going to like what I have done, so far.

The weigh-in wasn’t so bad afterall.  I didn’t lose any, but I didn’t gain, either.  So for now, I’m holding steady at 144.  There are still cookies in the house, though!

I read my first issue of Quilter’s Home.  I really enjoyed it, and will be looking forward to the next issue.  No, I’m not just saying that because Mark said nice things about my quilting on that vintage top I posted previously.  😉   I really did like it!