
Did you think I fled the country?

I’m still here.  I’ve have just been overwhelmingly busy.  Not much time or energy for blogging.  I have taken some random photos here and there, of things that made me smile.

Pretty green thread....
Pretty green dragonfly....

And….I didn’t get to catch any of my butterflies while they were coming out of their chrysalis…one I missed completely…the brown one is still a chrysalis…so I don’t know if it’s still alive in there, or not…but I did catch two of the butterflies doing something else.  This next part might be for mature audiences only.  😉

I also have an update on my Mom, for all those that have held her (and me) in prayer, and sent me messages of support.  Her last PET scan was “negative”…which is great news.  However, the downside is that she has more chemo yet to come, a central line will be inserted at one of her next two rounds, and they will harvest her own stem cells.  She has tolerated the chemo rather well, and her doctor wants to proceed to stem cell transplant, using her own cells.  I don’t know all that it will entail…he said we will discuss it more as the time draws nearer, but I do know that it will be rough on her.  So, I am dreading that.

I would love to hear some news on some of those that had contacted me privately about their own family members, that are going through similar battles.  I have been thinking of y’all, as well.  Please drop me a line and let me know how it is going for you and your families.

Wednesday, my “baby” goes to college.  A big life change for all of us.  Happy, sad,  and exciting all at once.

Have a blessed weekend, y’all!