
Once again…

I cannot believe it’s been so long since I last posted. A lot has happened since I wrote about losing Daddy. My mom’s mental and physical condition has deteriorated to the point that we recently had to make the difficult move to a nursing home for her. So, we are all adjusting to that. In addition to my full-time job, and my job as the office administrator for my husband’s and my oilfield business, I have officially gone back into the business of longarm quilting as the Wild Rose Quilter! I do have photos to share, just seems I couldn’t find time to sit down and write any proper posts. I need to get busy catching up here! I’ll start with a couple pics of the first client quilt that came my way after I announced I was quilting for hire again. This was such a special project to work on for a very sweet lady and family.



Stay tuned for more quilty content to come! It’s felt so good to get back to the longarm. I’m excited for what the future will bring! I’ve also been busy working on more of my own quilts again, as well. And, I opened up an Instagram account for my quilting, as well as a FaceBook Page. You can find me on both as Wild Rose Quilter. As always, thanks for stopping by!