longarm quilting

I think I’m finished!

Whew! I took this off the machine today.  It’s a big one, so it’s hard to get a full picture of it at once.  I will say that the border does not look the same in person as it does in the photo.  I like it much better in person.  It doesn’t seem to photograph well.  However, Erma, if you don’t like it, I can load it back up and add some more quilting.  I’m thinking that I might like to just add a line of echoing on each side of the design.  I also thought about stippling around it, which would take up the fullness, but and make the design really stand out, but…I’m afraid that would make the border too flat for the rest of the quilt.

The technical stuff: I used So Fine thread.  The batting was supplied by my client, and is Soft Shape poly batt by the Putnam Co.  Very high loft and gives lots of definition to the stitching, and held up very well during quilting. I used an assortment of tools on this one.  I used my Circle Lord to do the circles around the stars, and the feathered wreath spines.  I used these stencils:

Fleur de Lis by Pepper Cory
I think this one is by Helen Squire.
The only info on these is "The Stencil Company".

And I used all these rulers.

I hope to get started on the next one tomorrow!  It is Erma’s, as well.  A big double wedding ring!


Working on a fun one!

This one is from Erma, and she has given permission to share pics on my blog, while I work on it. She is also letting me “have my way with it”…lol, and I really like that.  🙂  It’s still very much a work in progress…but here are some previews…

I know some quilters don’t like to post customer quilts, but I think it’s a fun way to keep my clients  “in the loop” and involved with their quilt.  Lots more to do on this one…so stay tuned!

longarm quilting

I Finished!! Yay!

I got my quilt finished in time to enter the Circle Lord challenge.  I’m going to have to enlist some help from my two guys to get photos to submit.  It’s too large to lay out anywhere, and get a full shot.  So, when I have some good light coming into the living room, they are going to have to hold it up for me.  I’m going to leave the zippers attached, and later, when things have slowed back down around here some, I will zip it back onto the machine, to stitch the binding onto the front.  Now that I have learned to do that, I like it so much better than wrestling a quilt this large while stitching it on with my sewing machine.  I haven’t even made the binding yet.  That can wait.  I’m tired of this one for now…lol.

After I get my quilting room straightened back up, the machine and table cleaned, I’ve got some really neat customer quilts lined up to get started on, so stay tuned…more quilting to come! Happy Valentine’s day! 🙂


I hate to bore you, but…

I’m still quilting away on my quilt, trying to get it finished in time for the Circle Lord challenge. So all I have for you is more pictures of the same old quilt.

I do have a gadget report to share.  I used this neat little open rope template from the Gadget Girls, for the first time.  I will definitely be using this one again.  I really like the way it looks and I found it easy to use.  I don’t quite have the corner turning down to a science yet.  This first corner is how I think they all should be, but somehow, I couldn’t wrap my brain around making it work out that way on the next corner. Two corners are one way, and two corners are another way.  I look at the photo on their website, showing the corners, and I think…oh, I get it…but when I get to the actual quilt…I can’t quite  figure it out.  I hope it’s ok like this…I think I can live with it.