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It’s Almost Vacation Time!!

One more day at my day job, and then I get to take a few days of vacation.  I really need it! 

I’ve been busy as a bee, trying to finish up some projects.  I should have a good stashbuster report this week.  I had to do a last minute fleece blanket for a customer.  Got that loaded & quilted Tuesday night, trimmed & fringed it yesterday.  I’m trying to finish my courthouse steps as a Christmas surprise for my DH, but I think that might be pushing it.  But I’m trying!

But I do have a finish to report! I finally bound & labeled Simply Leaves.  If you have Kim Stotsenberg’s “Just Leaf It” book, you will find this little quilt on the last page.  It wasn’t  finished yet! Anyway, it is a practice piece I did, trying to do leaves like Kim.  I was surprised and thrilled when she asked to include it in her book.  At least I finally got that binding done!


I am exhausted today, but I thought I needed to post something so you weren’t seeing the same old same old day after day.