Christmas · daily life · longarm quilting · quilting

Just Some More Christmas Fun

Oh, the weather outside IS frightful! But here in my livingroom, it’s delightful…at least to me.  I’m not much of a decorator, not at all.  It’s something that really does not come naturally to me.  But I did get some candles for my new fireplace candelabra, and I love the way it looks in there.  So, even though everything around it is quite an ecclectic mix of stuff, I thought I’d share it with you anyway.  I’m sure it wouldn’t pass the Martha test, but I like it. 




My big snuggly reindeer:


Mmmmm….gotta have something sweet.


Look at this adorable birdhouse I bought today.  It’s a chicken! And y’all know how bad I want some chickens!


Hope you are staying warm, dry & safe. It’s icy here and will probably ruin my chances of making it to the longarm meeting I was hoping to go to in Amarillo tomorrow.  I’ve been trying to go for three months now, since I found out about them, and something has ruined my plans everytime.  Oh well, I guess it will just leave more time to quilt!  I think I will go work on my courthouse steps blocks now.  Thanks for stopping in for a visit!