quilting · quilts · stash busting

Sunday Stash Reporting, 7-20-08

I have been in two different fabric shops in the last week, and the only fabric I picked up was a bit of bleached muslin, for an online art quilting class I’m taking at MQR, which I am not counting in my totals, as it was a class requirement, and will be used up right away.  TWO shops, no purchasing, lots of beautiful fabrics….I’m getting the shakes….I’m jonesing bad…I feel like going on a binge…I need a sponsor…

  • 0 yard in this week
  • 5 yards out (I gave it away in my reward challenge)
  • total busted YTD is 2 yards (woohoo! a positive number, small though it may be)

I made a day trip to Pampa yesterday to hang out with the folks, and to do a bit of shopping.  I bought new crayons for the aforementioned art class.  I didn’t need them.  And I certainly didn’t need 120, but I did want the crayon sharpener, that is included in the box of 120 crayons.  I also bought some embroidery thread.  In the pic, you can see my very first tries with my new machine.  I still have a lot of reading to do, in the instruction manual, and look forward to taking the class that the shop offers.

I also came home with some canning jars, that my Mom was wanting out of her way.  Don’t know what I’m going to do with them, I just love canning jars and wanted them.

Some commemorate the bicenntenial.  I was in the 4th grade that year. 

I like these square shaped ones, too.

My husband asked, “What are YOU going to do with them?”  My response was “I don’t know…I just like them…maybe I’ll can something sometime.”  That comment evoked laughter from husband.  Ok, so maybe I’ll just use them to make pretty displays, and store things like buttons and golf tees, like I already am doing with some I had.  I just like them…

15 thoughts on “Sunday Stash Reporting, 7-20-08

  1. I’d be your sponsor, but we’d need a sponsor for the sponsor! LOL. I, too, love old canning jars, and I brought home a box of them when we cleaned out my mom and dad’s house before it sold. Scott was just cleaning up the side patio and asked if he had to keep that box. Absolutely! Those jars bring back very warm memories of home.


  2. Oh I LOVE canning jars!! Those are too cool!! Thread, bobbins with thread, buttons. If you want to use them in the kitchen for decoration…. coffee beans, pastas etc I like to use them for gifts too. Fill them with cookie mixes, coffee beans etc. They make some neat retro lids now too that I bet will fit them. Enjoy!!


  3. Atlas canning jars! I don’t think they even MAKE them anymore!! Yes, jars gives me a warm fuzzy feeling too, what good memories.


  4. I too collect jars…..usually just the big odd shaped ones now. Since you aren’t going to use them for canning produce, you could store stuff in them for display. Mine hold buttons, laces, small items etc……My all time favorite is “Quilt Jam” I saved all those bits and bunny ears from a project and put it in a jar…..a reminder of the quilt (this quilt was a commissioned) I would never see again. So there are alot of uses for these jars that don’t require produce.

    Karen L


  5. I love them, too! After my grandmother died, DH and I went up (to Missouri) to the farm and emptied YEARS worth of canned stuff (some almost unidentifiable and quite smelly)! She had been sick for a long time. The jars were the old blue type, and I couldn’t bear to part with them. So brought them home. They are displayed above my kitchen cabinets. I did share some with my brothers, but they weren’t nearly as enamored by them as I was!!


  6. You could always try for some microwave jam. I am told that is easy to make.
    But I also love them with buttons and or pieces of material rolled long ways…as in a fat quarter or charm squares rolled not flat.

    Speaking of charm squares……come visit post 301
    I am having a giveaway to celebrate 300 posts and have a group of charm squares up for giveaway.


  7. I have some canning jars just like yours. I have two of the bicentennial jars and a quart jar with the Atlas brand. I wonder if the Atlas jars might be worth anything antique wise. I live in Texas, too. We are 45 minutes NW of Ft. Worth.


  8. Oh…another canning jar person! I love them too. I have several of the square ones, but they are currently full of salsa that I canned last year. Yep, I use mine for the intended purpose! giggle! I have a lot of empty ones right now, but the garden is working on fixing that. The tomato plants are almost as tall as I am.
    Have a wonderful week! Keep the quilting inspiration coming!


  9. Awwww canning jars. Gotta love ’em. I have the old old blue jars too. They are from DHs mother. They’re the kind that have the rubber ring as a seal and the lid is glass on a wire hinge that locks down with another wire. They sit above my cupboard. And I also have some regular clear jars that I store pasta and beans. Their lids are the zinc with a glass inset inside.
    Just being able to posses some of the old ones is an honor.
    Love those jars.

    Can’t wait to use my crayons too. I’m starting tomorrow.


  10. i love the bicentenial jars i have 12 of them that my ex-husband bought for me when i was canning i won’t get rid of them just because i love them thinking of giving them to grand children


  11. I cant believe there are som many people like me! We don’t call them ‘caning jars’ in the UK….usually just ‘jars’ or ‘preserving jars’ We have just been clearing out our garage because we are moving house and I had to take lots to the recyling centre…but managed to sneak a few nice ones away to take with us without my husband not noticing! We have lots of plum trees and fruit bushes which I use for jam…I will miss them when we leave


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