
WordPress Photo Posting Change

I mentioned this in my last post, but I wanted to give it a post of it’s own, so it doesn’t get overlooked.  When the last WordPress upgrade went into effect, it caused a change in the photo posting process.  If you have noticed that your pictures are not “clickable” now, after you post them, allowing the reader to click on it and view it larger and in more detail, it’s a really simple fix, and you only have to do it one time.  These are the instructions I got from WordPress support. When you are uploading an image into your post:

Make sure to click the File URL or Post URL button before you click the Insert into Post button. Once you’ve done this, your choice will be remembered for next time.

I miss being able to click the pictures on the quilting blogs I read, to see the quilting detail.  I hope this help get the word spread on how to fix it.  Seems like WordPress could just turn that back on to where it does it automatically like it did before.

And, just to dress this post up a bit, I thought I’d share some pics of my Christmas tree.  I splurged a bit this year, by going to the local flower shop and asking the owner to help me put a “topper” together.  Next year I hope to be able to pick up some items to “fill in” some spaces on the rest of the tree.



This is the tatted wreath Joanna gave me.  It looks so pretty on the tree.




Hope you are enjoying your weekend!