family · knitting · quilting · quilts · stash busting

Sunday Reporting, 6-7-09

This past week has sure been a busy one! I was very busy at my day job last week, so I didn’t get a lot done on my quilting projects last week.  I did get some more sewing in on my sawtooth star blocks, during my lunch hours.  And since I’m not sure how I’m going to use them, I th0ught I better make sure I had some border fabrics on hand, just in case, you know. 🙂

That means my stash report is all about fabric coming in this week.  And it felt good! 14 yummy yards to fondle and fold.


YTD numbers:

  • Incoming Yardage to date: 52 yds.
  • Outgoing Yardage to date:  35.75 yds.
  • Total Stash Busted to date: – 16.25 yds.

Yeah, I’m going the wrong way.  Oh darn.

I have picked my knitting back up, for something to do when I’m just chillin’, watching TV and relaxing.  Or when it’s nice out and I want to sit in the yard under my shade trees.  However, I don’t think I’m ever going to graduate from knitting kindergarten.  Oh man, I seem to take out more knitting stitches than quilting stitches.  I make so many mistakes.  And I’m only doing a stockinette stitch.  I started this sweater completely over several times.  Hopefully, I’ll make it to the finish! And it will actually be wearable.

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I bought some other quilty goodies this week. Connecting threads had a 30% off notions sale, and I have been wanting to try Clover yo-yo makers, so I got one of every size.


I’m a little too busy to be making yo-yos right now, though, so don’t expect to be seeing any soon.  I also got this cool stencil from Full Line Stencil.

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They are made of a mesh like material.  000_9029

Even though I’m not using it on my 9P & Stripe, I tested it out on it, just to see how it works.  I like it!


And here is where some of my time has gone! Every minute worth it!  The first two pics are after the NTPGA junior tournament here in Perryton.  1st place with a four under par of 68!



And a first place in his age division at the Jim Hitch Memorial tournament in Guymon, OK.


I have gotten some more, though very little, quilting done on my 9P & stripe, but it’s just more of what you’ve already seen.  So I’ll save posting more pics til the end.

Have a great week, and remember to spend some time doing something you love,  and hopefully spend some quality time with someone you love!

knitting · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · stash busting · weight

Sunday Stash Report

  1. I didn’t buy any fabric.
  2. I started my first try at a Wild Onion jacket. I shopped my stash for the fabric, which was a total of 8 yds. If you click the link, it will take you to my post about it, with pics, and I’m asking for advice on the filler quilting.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.
  3. I’ve made good progress on my Eleanor Burns 9P & Stripes quilts.


I’m three rows further along on the darker one.


I have those rows sewn for the lighter one, just not attached to each other, or the rest of the top.


I’m really enjoying the process on these.  Taking my time, and really enjoying the piecing.  They are coming together nicely, and I love it when I remember that when I am finished, I will have not one, but two king size tops to quilt.  How cool is that!? That will move a nice chunk of stash.  I’m going to try to do the backings from stash.  I’m pretty sure I have suitable backing for one, but I’m not sure about both. 

In knitting news, I completed two gift scarves, and both were well received by the recipients.  Of course, one was my Mom, & she loves everything I do 🙂  I’m still working on a special prayer shawl, and am getting close to having it completed, also.

Weigh-in report:

My starting weight this week was 150 lbs.  My ending weight this week was 148 lbs., for a loss this week of 2 lbs! Yea! My total weight lost is now at 6 lbs. I managed to work out six times last week. 

Some gratitudes:

  1. My son’s wisdom teeth extraction going so well. 
  2. My stash 🙂
  3. Having a longarm.
  4. Having a great weekend with my family.

That’s it for me this week!

knitting · longarm quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · sewing · stash busting · weight

Sunday Stash Report Time

Finally, I am back in a quilting mood.  I finished trimming the stripe blocks for my two 9P & stripe quilts.  I pulled fabric from my stash for the background squares and setting triangles for each quilt.  The pattern calls for 2.75 yds each, but I washed up 3 yds apiece.  I hate to end up a tad short, so I had a little leftover.  Here is a preview of what they will look like. 



The pattern calls for using a medium background in one, and a light background in the other.  However, on my light, I decided to use the same fabric for the setting triangles and squares, as I used for the background of my 9P’s & stripes.  I hope to really hone my quilting skills in all those open spaces.  I’m planning on lots & lots of feathers.  Will I be able to pull it off?  We shall see!

I did get started sewing them together today.  I’m sewing them simultaneously.  That way, I don’t get one finished, and get burned out, and leave the other sitting for awhile. 

So, I got almost 6 more yards out of my stash and headed into quilts.  I am also happy to report that I did not buy any fabric.

I’m still working on some beginner knitting projects, and completed two scarves, and am getting close to finishing a special shawl I’m knitting.

Sunday weigh in time! Last week, my starting weight was 150.  Today, my weight was……………..150. I lost a total of zero lbs. this week.  I really wanted to see a 140-something.  However, I’m not disappointed in my myself, because I did great on my working out…a total of six times this week, and I did not blow it with the eating.  I know this is just a natural part of the diet/exercise process.  I know I made progress, because I can see a change in my body shape, and in the way my clothes are fitting.  Hopefully, the scale will be kinder next week. 🙂

Remeber that I mentioned that I found a new buffet hutch for my dining room, when we went to Amarillo.  I finally took a pic.  I am really enjoying it. It has helped so much to have this extra space to store some of my stoneware and other dishes, making my cabinets much safer to open…lol. (you know, less thing falling out at you when you open the door)


Some gratitudes this week were:

  1. My son breaking away from an unhealthy relationship
  2. My 20″ Omnigrid ruler
  3. My new hutch
  4. None of us wrecked driving on the ice this week
  5. My husband cleaning the floors!

I guess that’s it for my report today.  Hope y’all have a great week ahead.

flat stanley · knitting · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilting · stash busting · weight

Sunday Report

Not much to report here, this week.  I did not buy any fabric.  I did finish sewing my stripe blocks for my quilt, but I haven’t finished trimming & pressing.  I freehand quilted up four yards of fleece for a customer order.


It’s kind of a pretty cocoa color in real life.  The final recipient will be my friend’s father.  I think he will like it.

I also sold a baby quilt.  So does that count as stash busting? It moved out of my stash…lol.

I had a pretty busy week, otherwise.  Monday, I had a sinus headache, pretty much all day.  So after work, I was pretty worthless.  I did stay on track with the exercise, pretty well, though.  I got four workouts done.  I wanted to get in a “last chance” workout yesterday, since today is weigh-in day.  That didn’t happen, as we got up and went to Amarillo, to pick up DH’s new Skeeter bass boat! So Flat Stanley got to go to Amarillo sooner than he expected, as we will be going on Wednesday, too, for my doctor appt.  It will take us a bit to get that written up for the Princess, but that will be coming in a few days.  Some of our pics didn’t come out like we hoped, so we may just do more on Wednesday.

I also picked up a new rustic buffet cabinet for the dining room.  I’ve been playing around with it this morning, and will feature it in a post in the near future.

On the weigh-in…it was hard to stay off the scale during the week, but I made myself do just that.  Weighing everyday can get frustrating, too much ups & downs.  But, knowing that I was going to weigh-in AND post it here, really did help me stay on track.  I’m not “dieting” per se, just eating more “reasonbly” and healthily.  I don’t do well with “diets” that restrict this food or that food, so I don’t do them.  I’ve also watched what I drink.  I’ve mostly drank water, milk or tea.  I keep hearing Jillian from the Biggest Loser saying “don’t drink your calories!” So, with all that rambling said… starting weight for the week was 153.  My current weight is 150.  I lost three pounds this week, for a total weight loss of four pounds.  I wish I had one of those scales that does the body fat percentage, too, but I don’t.  My DH told me Friday that he could tell I looked smaller.  I don’t expect to lose as much this week, as I’ve really been struggling with the 140’s for over a year now, but I just have to not get discouraged and blow it.  Oh, and this included eating bacon, eggs & pancakes for supper Thursday night, and going to our favorite Mexican restaurant Friday, and eating cheese chile rellenos.  I’m definitely not going hungry…lol!

In knitting news, I have discovered I have project-itis, just like with quilting.  I have several items going on different sets of needles, all needing finishing.  Mostly scarves, one practice hat, and a special project, a prayer shawl, for someone that needs comforting. I think working on it comforts me, too. I signed up for the knit & crochet online community, Ravelry, and got my invitation to join yesterday.  It will take me a while to figure out my way around there, but it looks awesome!

Well, that’s I guess that’s it for my Sunday Report.  I have a feeling I might not get much done today, either, but that’s ok.  I’m tired!

knitting · quilting

Getting Back in the Routine

Yesterday, was day one back at work.  So not much quilting happening.  I have made some progress on my nine patch & stripes.  The nine patches are coming along quite nicely.  I have to have 44 for each quilt.

I have finished two knitting projects.  Matching scarves for my friend & I to wear to our sons’ golf tournaments. Nothing fancy and neither is perfect. I gave my friend hers yesterday, and she seemed to really like it.  Two other friends from work have already indicated that they wants scarves, too.  Good thing that’s all they are asking for, as I have trouble understanding knitting patterns, and may never graduate from scarves…lol. 🙂  Maybe the knitting DVD I ordered will be helpful.


I’m also trying to get back into my exercise routine.  So the first thing I did after work was hit the treadclimber.  At the start of my Christmas break/vacation, I weighed 4 lbs over the limit I said I wouldn’t allow myself to pass.  😦  As of yesterday morning, I have lost 2 of those lbs.  I’m also trying to get back in the Flylady routines.  Wish me luck…

crafts · knitting · longarm quilting · machine quilting · quilt top · quilting · quilts · sewing

Sunday Report Time!

I cannot start this post with “I did not buy any new fabric”.  I did buy new fabric.  Yesterday, on a trip to Pampa, the LQS was having one of it’s two annual 40% off all fabric in the store sales.  I didn’t, however, start buying willie nillie, like a chicken with my head cut off.  I needed more neutrals in my stash, so I went straight to the neutral section and picked some out.  I also bought some thread.  I’m ok with this purchase…no feeling guilty at all. 


Stash use and project progresses or completions were:

I finished this lap extra long lap quilt I made for my son, earlier this year, by making the binding and machine stitching it onto the quilt (which you can see in the second pic that I’m not that good at doing), and I added a very “professionally” done label 😉  Yes, that is sharpie written directly on the back of the quilt.  This is a use me/abuse me quilt.  I hope he wears it completely out one of these days.



I finished the quilting (if you can call it that) on Greg’s quilt.  Prepare yourself, this may hurt your eyes…I give myself an “F” on the quilting.  I was completely uninspired when I began quilting this one…to borrow Carla’s term…my “artistic harmony” was nowhere to be found.  Anyway, done is good in this case.  One positive that came from it, is that I was finally starting to get good at the “swirly” border! I even successfully turned the corners with it.  Other than that, I really can’t say what I was thinking…



And lastly, I started working on this Eleanor Burns project.  So far, I have used 10.5 yards from my stash! When I’m done, I will have not one, but two new king size quilts for my bed. You can also see part of my leaders & enders in the left bottom corner of the second photo.



I think that wraps up the quilting portion of my Sunday Report. However, I have some other “stash enhancing” to report.  Though I did ok, I think, with the fabric purchasing at the quilt shop, Walmart is where I went a little stupid…lol.


I’ve been wishing for something else to work on at night, when I’m not working on a binding, or when I need something a little more portable, so I’m giving knitting another whirl.  Yes, that’s right, I said another whirl.  Hopefully, this time, I will have something better to show for my efforts than this “beautiful” afghan I made in college 🙂  I do remember feeling quite proud of myself at the time.


So, now that I’ve horrified you with crazy bad quilting and crazy wild knitting all in one post, I hope that won’t scare you from coming back to visit me again. With that, I conclude my Sunday report!