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Starting My First Mystery Quilt

I went to the guild meeting last night and we rec’d the fabric instructions for this year’s mystery quilt.  I have never done a mystery quilt before.  I really want to participate in as many of the guild projects as I can, so I’m going to try to do this, and see if I can keep up.  Besides, it’s a great way to bust some stash.  This is one of those times that I am thankful for my stash.  I was able to go to my quilt room, in my jammies, and “shop” for the required fabrics for the quilt.  These are my choices.

The first one, the pale green, will be the background.  The floral print will be the main fabric, with the remaining two being the accent fabrics.  I like them together like this…whether or not they will be successful for the pattern, I suppose only time will tell.  They are going to send out the cutting instructions in our next newsletter.  I’m anxious to see what they are.  I will post progress reports, so you can see the mystery unfold, along with me.  I love being able to use my stash like this, and this is precisely why I have one.  Instant gratification when I want to start a project.  No waiting til I can make a trip to the nearest fabric shop, which is about an hour away.  And no waiting for an internet order to show up.  I had everything I needed, right under my roof, and even options for different color schemes.  Yes, having a stash is good thing!  🙂

7 thoughts on “Starting My First Mystery Quilt

  1. I love those fabrics! You must have a great stash. I have not yet tried a mystery quilt myself. How exciting. I can’t wait to see your progress. Good luck to you.


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