
I’m Home

We got home late last night, and tired doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel this morning.  And I have to get it together and go to work.  My son and his friend did not do well.  It’s frustrating, when you know they CAN do it, but they just seem to fall apart when it counts.  And you can see the disappointment in their body language when it starts going wrong.  He didn’t play that badly, but his putting was just not there.  He didn’t have any penalty strokes, and he was hitting his tee shots and his irons really well, but he just didn’t have his putter with him.  I did do some fun shopping thefirst day, but I’ll get to that later this week.  Right now I have to summon up some energy to get myself together, and that just feels like a monumental task in itself right now.