Family Farm · quilting · Ranch

A Little Quilting, A Little Calf

First, thank you to my readers that recommended the Bloc Loc rulers. It was the nudge I needed to finally orders some. They are fantastic! I finished trimming my 64 half square triangles and it’s so much better with them. What a nifty notion!

The big news of today is that my cow Cookie calved early this morning! I was sipping my cup of coffee when my cousin texted me with pictures, saying he would guess the calf was about an hour old. Cookie runs with his herd, over my small acreage, my bother’s small acreage, and my cousin’s much larger ranch. His ranch connects to my grandparents’ farm and ranch land, of which we all three own portions. It’s her first calf, so he’s been keeping a close watch on her. She did great and we loaded up and made the 1.75 hour drive to see in person. The calf is a little heifer which means I will keep her instead of raising her for beef. The goal is for us to have enough to feed my family. My cousin has been so gracious to do this with and for me. I’m so grateful for him! Cookie did great and is being a good mama right off the bat. She is a good cow! Here she is with her new baby, Sugar. 😍

We put some cake out for her so she was having a snack while baby was nursing.

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