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Wonderful Wednesday Mail Surprise!

Teresa! Thank you so much!  What a sweet surpise the mail brought today.  I’ve wondered what these taste like for a long time!  Now I know…yum! I thank you, and my family does, too. 🙂  And yes, they made it just fine, with no melting.  You really, really made my day.  Hugs to you!!

I also have a cute little swallow pic to share with y’all today.  This is the newest little batch of fledglings.  This is what they look like when it’s raining outside. 

I wish they didn’t make such a big mess, right at my front door, but I don’t have the heart to make them leave. 😦

I must get back to quilting! I picked up a small customer job, but it’s gonna take a fair amount of time.  It’s a rush job, to be shown at the next guilt meeting, as part of their challenge. I’ve been praying that everything goes smooth sailing on this one!  Sew far, sew good, but I’ve barely gotten started.

5 thoughts on “Wonderful Wednesday Mail Surprise!

  1. Randi, you captured a very cute photo of the swallows.

    I’m glad the Tim Tams made it to you without being melted into a big glop. I waited until it was cooler here but didn’t check to see what your temps were and hoped they’d still be individual cookies by the time they arrived. 🙂

    I’m eager to see how you quilt the challenge quilt. Your quilting always looks great and I’m sure this will be no different.


  2. oh man, that picture of the tim tams… bringing so much good memories back to me… In 1996 I went to Australia on a vacation and discovered THE tim tams. Never had them again though… But I do have family in Aus and maybe I need to ask them to send a couple of packages to me… now that I saw your pressie…. I want those too…lol. silly huh? i haven’t had one in years and still my mouth is watering when I see the package… enjoy them!

    hugs from the Netherlands
    Winda aka Dutch quilter aka (*ü*)


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